Connecting to Your Buying Group
If you are a member of a buying group or a purchasing cooperative that adopts an LBMX Group Solution you are now positioned to take advantage of the value of real time information. Depending on the applications your group takes on board, members of buying groups have access to these exciting applications.
Electronic Invoices from Suppliers
Receive electronic invoices from your suppliers in your secure My Marketplace portal. If your group is a central bill organization, you can also receive electronic statements and pay your invoices online, sending a remittance to your group.
Advanced Accounts Payable Management
LBMX provides the opportunity for you to have full B2B integration with your suppliers. This means you can take your supplier’s invoices directly into your ERP system, providing advanced accounts payable management. This solution is referred to as B2B Integration – eInvoicing.
Electronic Purchase Orders to Suppliers
LBMX’s OneConnect solution means you connect once to your group and can do EDI with all of your suppliers. That means you can send electronic purchase orders to all of your suppliers. This means more accurate ordering and often enhanced rebates from suppliers. This solution is referred to as B2B Integration – eOrdering.
Real Time Rebate Reporting and Purchase Analytics
LBMX Analytics means your group can make available to you real time rebate reporting so you understand where you sit with supplier rebates. It also means your group can understand how close the group is to achieving plateau rebates ensuring you group does not miss a higher rebate level if possible. The same high value analytics solutions provide you with information about your supplier purchases as they happen; over the web or on your mobile device.
B2B eCommerce Ordering from Suppliers
LBMX provides the opportunity for suppliers to sell their products to your group over the web through your LBMX Group Marketplace. This means you can order products over the web from suppliers participating in this program.
Access to Supplier Product Information
Participating suppliers can provide access to their product information that you are then able to download to your ERP system or to your eCommerce storefront. LBMX integrates with most ERP solution and eCommerce solutions.
Electronic Payments
LBMX Pay provides you with the opportunity to pay your invoices of participating suppliers electronically. Payment solutions are also available for members that are part of central bill and central pay groups.
Buy better. Sell more. LBMX makes it possible.
Success in Every Industry

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