Central Billing
Accurate central payables. Seamless integration. Maximum efficiency.
With LBMX Central Billing, handling invoices takes minutes per day. With automated compliance checking and exception handling, central billing is faster, more accurate, allowing you to control the administrative cost of running your group. Add new members without adding administrative time. Spend your time focused on your group rather than focused on your paper.

Accounts receivable couldn’t be easier.
Members receive invoices in real-time from the group in their secure My Marketplace platform where invoice processing is fast and simple. Members can even have invoices flow directly into their accounting system, if they prefer.
Statements are generated within LBMX and transmitted to members for payment. Members can indicate which invoices they wish to pay, placing disputed invoices on hold, and filing claims directly with suppliers with only a few mouse clicks. Groups can collect payments through ACH, completing the paperless procurement to payment cycle.
Flexible Accounts Payable
Do you always pay your invoices early in order to take advantage of terms discounts, potentially capturing additional revenue for your group?
Or do you only pay invoices after your member has paid you?
LBMX handles both of these models – and more – with its flexible payment module. Track your accounts payable accurately with full visibility into your members’ payments and requests for claims. Pay only the amounts you wish to pay without spending hours sifting through paper invoices and collections. Remove another administrative headache by issuing ACH payments within LBMX. Be confident you’re paying what you want to pay, when you want to pay it.
Real-time data means real-time business decisions.
Our Central Billing solution gives you a clear picture of what’s happening in your business using real-time data.
By connecting your group, your members, and your suppliers onto a single electronic platform, you have instant access into what your members are purchasing, from whom, and at what costs. You will be able to see which of your members are supporting your programs, which programs are underperforming, and where the opportunities for future deals are.
By integrating electronic purchase orders, you’ll be able to track and plan your group’s cash flow without surprises. You’ll also be able to ensure that the cost on an invoice matches the cost on the purchase order – automatically, without effort.
Grow your group without growing your admin staff.
Success in Every Industry

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