Digital Marketplace
E-Commerce tools for buying and selling.
LBMX’s Digital Marketplace provides feature-rich e-commerce tools that tie your suppliers, members, and end use customers into thriving a marketplace. LBMX’s digital marketplace includes:
- Member E-Commerce
- Buying Marketplace
Together, this platform allows members to buy better and sell more.

Digital Buying Marketplace
Do you know what your members are buying? When members place orders by fax or email, you don’t know if they are ordering products from preferred vendors, if they are taking advantage of group organized event buys, or if they are maximizing their rebate potential.
LBMX’s Digital Buying Marketplace allows members to make their purchases online, quickly and easily. The secure web portal allows members to look up prices, check vendor terms and rebates, and place electronic orders. Members can also choose to integrate their order management/ERP systems for a full EDI experience, eliminating manual keying.
See what members are ordering
- Gives you visibility into member buying
- Allows you to highlight preferred vendors and special opportunities
- Single ordering site with a consistent look and feel
- Additional rebate opportunities
- Provides members with vendor terms, rebates, shipping and other details from your negotiated vendor buying agreement
Member E-Commerce
The battle for increased sales is being won or lost online. Customers demand self-service, custom price lists, account specific store fronts, and a strong omni channel presence. Are your members’ web sites up to the task?
Designed as a value-added service offering your group can offer to members, LBMX’s e-commerce platform is a fully customizable web store front for your members that is powerful, easy to use, and cost effective.
Global leaders in buying group technology.
Success in Every Industry

Ready to Get Started?
Request a demo from LBMX today!